Monthly Digital Newsletter Provides New Opportunities for Resident Engagement in Lansdowne Borough


    Lansdowne Borough is a large municipality with highly engaged and wonderfully diverse residents. For years, the community received the Mayor’s “legacy” 10-page newsletter in the mail. While a beloved tradition, municipal leaders recognized that there was a greater need to communicate, inform, and engage their residents faster and more effectively. Lansdowne Borough contracted Dandelions Digital to create a communications strategy that would increase borough identity, and improve visibility among audiences all while preserving and respecting the community’s rich history.


    Dandelions Digital suggested that along with a digital newsletter and new website content, large social media campaigns would help accomplish Lansdowne’s goals. The Borough had existing Facebook pages for their Parks and Recreation, Arts Board and Environmental Council, but did not have a basic Lansdowne Borough page. A main Borough page was created on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Recognizing that the history of Lansdowne would be great content to share on all social platforms, and at the suggestion of council members, DandeLions Digital launched several large resident engagement campaigns for Black History Month and Women’s History Month among others. The “Women in History” campaign during Women’s History month asked residents to share their personal photographs and stories of women who made an impact in Lansdowne. The Black History Month campaign was launched in conjunction with the Black History Month theme for each year and encouraged residents to send in artwork or poetry representing Black History in Lansdowne.


    From increased exposure on social channels, Lansdowne has seen a 147% increase in subscribers to their digital newsletter from 2020 to 2022 and those emails have an open rate of 47%. Borough leaders continue to utilize social channels and their monthly newsletter to give residents the important information they need.