Insights on local government communication

DandeLions Digital's CEO Linda Rooney joins the Board of the NAGC

Written by Linda Rooney | December 8, 2020

In August of 2020, Founder and CEO of Dandelions Digital, Linda Rooney, joined the board of the National Association of Government Communicators as the NAGC Competitions Director.  The NAGC is dedicated to advocating, promoting, and recognizing excellence in government communications.  The principal purpose of the NAGC is to advance communication as an essential professional resource at every level of local, state, tribal, and national government.  It recognizes leaders in government communication and provides an outlet for public information officers to connect, learn, and network.  As NAGC Competitions Director, Linda guides the operation and planning of the Blue Pencil and Gold Screen awards, which rewards excellence in the field of communications with awards in over forty categories.  Specific awards include: Awards of Excellence that recognize government agencies or individuals for significant achievement, Service Awards presented to members for noteworthy service, The Distinguished Service Award that bestows the organization’s highest honor on a member, and The Communicator of the Year Award, which is given to an individual who has demonstrated excellence in government communications during the previous year.  

Linda’s role as Competitions Director is to fulfill tasks, which include the marketing of the Competition and organizing the Competition’s awards, categories and judging.  In the National Association of Government Communicator’s blog post, “What NAGC Means to Me”, Linda states, “In today’s currently divided state of our nation, the NAGC offers excellent, concrete, and unbiased information on government communications that is vital to any government communications specialist.  Informing the public with factual, correctly-sourced, timely, and relevant information has never been more important.”  She also states, “NAGC is, in my opinion, the best resource for any government communications employee”.  Linda is working to obtain  her APR (Accreditation for Public Relations) through the NAGC.  She is looking forward to starting that process and is proud to be a member of the National Association of Government Communicators.

This past year has been a challenging one for government communicators, who have been busy disseminating information and providing up to the minute updates to their constituents. The NAGC Board invites government communications employees to submit their work this past year for the annual Blue Pencil and Gold Screen Awards. Special COVID categories have been added to the extensive list of categories for entering.

About NAGC:

The National Association of Government Communicators is dedicated to advocating, promoting and recognizing excellence in government communication. NAGC is dedicated to providing opportunities for individual professional development and career advancement, enhancing effective communication with constituents, and advancing the profession of government communication. The principal purpose of NAGC is to advance communication as an essential professional resource at every level of local, state, tribal and national government.

Membership is open to anyone performing communications duties within a government entity, whether they are a public information officer, speechwriter, web master, social media expert or any other role that advances the message of the agency or organization for which they work.


About the Blue Pencil Gold Screen Awards:

NAGC rewards excellence in the field of communications with awards in more than categories in the annual Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards. The NAGC Board of Directors also selects an annual “Best in Show” from the first place winners, to showcase exemplary government communication. The Communicator of the Year Award is given to an individual who has demonstrated excellence in government communications during the previous year.