Insights on local government communication

Evaluating Company Culture

Written by Linda Rooney | December 13, 2022

The end of the year is a time to be thankful, reflective and forward thinking…

It’s that time of year …. trying to get work done before the holiday rush and looking ahead to the future to determine which deadlines will be reassigned into the New Year. Yet, as much forward-focus planning goes on, November and December also seem like a natural reflection period to me. I like to find a few quiet moments in my week to look back and see what’s been accomplished. One highlight for 2022 is bringing on new faces to my team. It’s brought about new ideas, new partnerships, and new energy. 

However, with growth comes the responsibility of employee satisfaction. I want my staff to be satisfied and stick around for years to come.  Therefore, as a fully-remote digital agency, our company culture is something I hope to focus on in 2023. I want the team to feel connected so in turn we can connect and grow with our clients. In my own personal research, shared an article that really spoke to me about this topic of company culture, and it’s one I know can speak to the hundreds of employees working for municipalities and nonprofits. Here are some of their recommendations to build a stronger culture, support workers and drive recruitment and retention for the long haul.

Listen Thoughtfully

Now that most employees can communicate digitally, it’s even more important for leadership to understand what people want and need. Personal conversations, face-to-face, can help drive more insight on a request than an email. Make them a priority, especially for staff that may be mostly remote. 

Conduct ‘Stay Interviews’

Most employees are interviewed to be hired, and interviewed when they leave. But what about during? It’s a new avenue for checking-in with employees. The formality may also lead to different conversations and ideas. Plus, sending questions ahead of time gives employees the chance to be thoughtful during the interview.

Think Broadly

It’s no secret that hybrid work can be challenging for certain roles. For those in-office positions, where can you find flexibility? Reflect back on the different departments during the height of the pandemic and use that period as an example of ways to find and create new flexibility. Nothing has to be permanent and trial and error periods can show employees you’re thinking about their needs.  

Leverage Technology

On the flip side, it can be hard to keep remote employees engaged with your in-office staff. Really emphasize the use of technology to connect the different departments. Virtual coffee sessions can offer a way for employees to interact. 

Shift the Emphasis

Be open to a greater emphasis on reskilling and upskilling. An employee may be interested in an opening in IT but isn’t sure they have the skills to do the job. Learn from your employees what’s stopping them from shifting in their roles to see what areas you may lack in training. Elevating internal talent speaks volumes to both internal and external candidates.  

Regardless of whether you’re in government, not-for-profit, or private sector, company culture is an important piece. I hope the New Year brings your organization growth and happy employees!  

Credits: Nicole Howarth